
Tuesday 6 December 2011

co-diovan- LAW JIA JUIN

co-diovan active ingredients:
1.thiazide--first generation diuretic, reducing the reabsorption of ions and water from kidney, more ions and water are excreted via urine, reducing the blood volume as well as blood pressure.
2.ACE inhibitor (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor)--reduce the production of angiotensin II by the kidney. This angiotensin II is blocked so that less aldosterone produced and less vasoconstriction, reducing blood pressure to normal
3.valsartan (angiotensin II receptor blocker)-- blocking the angiotensin II receptors so that the effect of angiotensin II are les expressed, controlling blood pressure.
1.Thiazide is used as first line treatment, if the condition worsen or thiazide fail to works loop diuretics is used. Potassium sparing diuretics example spironolactone can be used if the patient suffering from hypokalaemia (abnormal low pottasium level in blood). Potassim sparing diuretics is 3rd generation of diuretics and has the potential to reduce the risk of alzheimers disease. 
2. Anything ends with the word sartan means a blocker for angiotensin II receptors
3.All the acive ingredients of this drugs act on our kidney.

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